Dr Yi-Lee Phang General Practitioner | Occupational and Environmental Physician


Dr Yi-Lee Phang is a General Practitioner and Occupational Physician. He enjoys the full breadth of general practice, and believes that it is this breadth (together with the continuity) that is the mark of General Practice. Dr Yi-Lee enjoys minor procedures and dealing with occupational medicine. Dr Yi-Lee has been teaching GP Registrars for years, including several of the other GPs in the clinic.

When he’s not working at the clinic, he is an active member of the Australian Defence Force. Sometimes he even sees his family!

Dr Brett D'Cunha General Practitioner


Dr Brett D’Cunha has interests in weight loss management, minor procedures, women’s health and fertility.

Dr Kylie Scott General Practitioner


Dr Kylie Scott has special interests in women’s health and infectious diseases. She is a registered prescriber for Hep B and HIV treatments.

Dr Amanda Mills General Practitioner

Dr Jeremy Huynh General Practitioner

Dr James Crompton Occupational and Environmental Physician

MBChB GradDipOccEnvHlth FAFOEM

Dr James Crompton is a specialist Occupational and Environmental Physician who has worked in industrial health for nearly fifteen years. As a specialist in occupational rehabilitation from all manner of injuries and illnesses in the workplace, he is interested in rehabilitating workers partciularly with acute knee and shoulder injuries, chronic pain syndromes and also in the overlap of psychological illness in the workplace.

Dr Crompton is also an examiner of pilots and air traffic controllers (a DAME) and qualified to perform rail safety medical examinations. He is available for occupational fitness-for-duty assessments, permanent disability assessments and as a qualified Medical Review Officer, assessments of complex dependence matters when drug and alcohol dependence overlap with safety in the workplace.

Dr Semira Mollica Occupational Physician

Dr Semira Mollica is an Occupational Medicine Registrar and Private Surgical Assistant. Dr Semira completed her medical degree at University of Notre Dame Sydney, and trained at Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Allied Health

Mirjana Djukic Physiotherapist

Mirjana Djukic is an experienced physiotherapist with a passion for helping others achieve their health and wellbeing goals. She believes in a holistic approach to physiotherapy care and uses a variety of techniques to assist in pain management including manual therapy, dry needling, myofascial cupping, and individually tailored exercise programs to help patients optimise their mobility, function and strength.

Support Staff

Kellena Practice Manager

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